Accelerated Computing research group


Our group conducts interdisciplinary research spanning the areas of High Performance Computing, Machine Learning, Optimization Algorithms, Green Computing, and Software Engineering.

Lightning: Scaling the GPU Programming Model Beyond a Single GPU

IPDPS 2022 - I presented my paper on Lightning, a programming model that allows you to create applications for GPU clusters in way that is very similar to de...

Lorentz Center workshop on Generic Autotuning Technology for GPU Applications

March 7-11, 2022 — After preparations that spanned more than a year in total, the week of Lorentz Center workshop is finally here! For a long time, it was un...

Bayesian Optimization for auto-tuning GPU kernels

Supercomputing 2021 — I traveled to St. Louis to present my paper on the use of Bayesian Optimization for auto-tuning GPU kernels. This paper was accepted in...

Kernel Tuner tutorial at Supercomputing 2021

November 2021 — Together with my colleagues, Alessio Sclocco, Stijn Heldens, and Floris-Jan Willemsen, we travelled to the latest edition of the Supercomputi...