Accelerated Computing research group


Our group conducts interdisciplinary research spanning the areas of High Performance Computing, Machine Learning, Optimization Algorithms, Green Computing, and Software Engineering.

A methodology for comparing optimization algorithms for auto-tuning

May 30, 2024 — As a result from the collaborations between different auto-tuning research groups that was kickstarted at the Lorentz Center Workshop in March...

CompSys Best Presentation Award for Kernel Launcher

May 27, 2024 - At the Dutch national CompSys conference, I gave a presentation about the paper “Kernel Launcher: C++ library for creating optimal-performance...

Kernel Tuner Version 1.0 released!

April 5, 2024 — Finally, the Version 1.0 release is here! The software has been stable and ready for production use for quite some time now and after being i...

ASTRA KernelKit: GPU-accelerated projectors for computed tomography using CuPy

April 2, 2024 — As a result from a collaboration with Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI), the paper about the ASTRA KernelKit has been published in the...

Stijn Heldens receives PhD degree

March 6, 2024 — Stijn Heldens has successfully defended his PhD thesis titled “Parallel Programming Systems for Scalable Scientific Computing” at the Agniete...

Energy Efficient GPU Computing tutorial at Supercomputing 2023

November 12, 2023 — I traveled to Denver, CO, together with my colleagues Alessio Sclocco, Stijn Heldens, and Floris-Jan Willemsen, to give a tutorial on En...

Connecting Science & Industry at Bits&Chips event

October 12, 2023 — Ben van Werkhoven gave a talk titled “Automatically optimizing GPU applications for performance and energy efficiency” at the Bits&Chi...